
The thermal bathes in Sicily

Natural waters

Normally we imagine a holiday as a way to spend our time by traveling and visiting new places. What does it mean? The choice depends on ‘what catches our gaze’ and ‘what we would like to do’, in general. Sometimes, instead, the decision depends on the principle “what is the most relaxing choice?”. In this sense, you could be inspired by a “theme holiday” and decide to explore the thermal baths in Sicily.  These places are located in different areas on map, like in Messina or Trapani and Catania, too. Not to mention Vulcano and Pantelleria island. There are Several natural thermal baths there. The expression “natural thermal baths” means that hot water mainly springs out of the ground and gas is out of small geysers. In any case, these incredible geological phenomena are usually an expression of a natural scenario. The paths reaching these places often cross small reserves or parks.

Free Thermal Bath of Segesta

Driving for 30 minute in the Trapani area, you’ll find Crimiso Source. It could be painted like a paradise. Here, walking through a wild path, you get to three different small natural pools: Female Bath, Queen Cave and New Source (Bagno delle Femmine, Grotta Regina and Nuova Sorgente). Normally, the water is very hot, with temperatures between 42° and 47°C. A typical practice voyagers usually enjoy is to cover their bodies with the mug of these pools and spend some time there to rest their legs and arms. Then, after ten minutes, they can take off the dried mud by getting into the small pools. Given all these treatments, also those with sulphur gas, consider choosing Castellamare del Golfo for a special resort for few days. If you want to visit this area, take an accommodation in villas in Selinunte, to rest and relax near the thermal baths . This would be a perfect choice especially for your group vacation in the family villas in Sicily.

Roman bathes

The past tells a lot about thermal baths in Sicily. Amenano river flows there near Catania, as a sort of public and natural service for Roman people in the past. Indeed, many are familiar with Roman thermal baths of which you can visit the ruins, today. Rotonda bath is an example of an underground bath which consists in a circle room with many corridors. This bath also represents an amazing mix of Roman and Byzantine culture. Then, Achilliane Terme. It was built under the main church of Catania, the Diocesan Museum. Today, it is possible visit Achilliane Terme, Rotonda Bath and Terme dell’Indirizzo. In this zone, you could find your perfect way to relax and rest, in villas in Val di Noto.

Acireale Thermal bathes

There is a park which is 30 kilometers away from Catania. There, you can find an example of a modern age thermal baths. It is represented by Acireale Terme, a small town under the Etna Mountain. This big architecture is built in the nineteenth-century neoclassical style inside a beautiful garden. A peaceful place you can visit thank to Fai. Is an Italian Foundation which organizes special tours with a guide during spring, especially the first weekends of March, April and May. Here in Sicily, we consider a lot of destinations for the thermal bathes: Terra Acqua Pia, San Calogero Caves and Ali Terme for example. This kind of trip also represents an interesting holiday during the winter: many prefer to make this heat treatment in the cold season. During Christmas holidays you have the opportunity to sunbathe in the middle of winter and recharge your battery for the following months.

This article was written by Giulia Sofi

Today, she creates editorial content for cultural magazine and exhibition project.
Her articles have been published in some art magazines like CityRivista and Insideart.