
Piazza Armerina

Back to the Roman Empire

There is an ancient village between Enna and Caltanissetta. Here, in the middle of Sicily, Romans built a small army citadel. Indeed, the name is linked to this functional role since the past. Especially during the Medieval period, the Aragonese kingdom founded its castle at the end of the 14th Century. All around Piazza Armerina, several historical places are located in an immersive and natural landscape. Visit this area and enjoy the Sicilian countryside sleeping in our luxury villas in Sicily. Then on South-West, you could also consider another part of Sicily and our villas in Val di Noto.

Villa Romana del Casale

It represents one of the most important Archaeological Parks in Sicily. During the Roman period (IV – V sec), this place was a big urban complex with an administration hall, law council, thermal baths, residential parts and places of worship. The majority of floors shows elegant mosaics, spreading over 3500 m2 and depicting several scenes. ‘The Great Hunt’ and ‘Hall of Arion’ are unique examples for brilliant colors and detailed figures. Indeed, for this incredible example of mosaic heritage, the Villa Romana del Cassale was declared an UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1997.

In addition to Villa Romana del Casale, this wide area includes 4 sites:

  • Archeological Museum of Aidone
    The museum includes new archaeological finds that were lost in the international black market. A relevant part is dedicated to the Hellenic silver collection.
  • Archeological area of Morgantina
    It is a rare example of abandoned city during the Greek period. The history of the city ends during the first century and therefore subsequently underwent no changes for the rest of time.
  • Interdisciplinary Regional Museum of Enna
    Umbilicus Siciliae was an historical period consisting in a crucial contact between Sicanians (one of three ancient peoples of Sicily) and Greek colonization. The main finds like Grave goods, warrior’s weapons and different tools are erected together.
  • Museum of the City and of the Territory of Piazza Armerina
    The museum collects several pieces from archaeological area. The setup museum is completely integrated into an elegance context of the Trigona Palace and its baroque style.

The visit program provides an all-inclusive ticket of 16 euros. Every single site is open every day for 09:00 am to 06:00 pm. During the summer, you can visit Casale Villa also in the evening, from 08:00 pm to 10:00 pm. The distance between different sites is very short driving for 15 – 20 minutes, maximum. There is also a second option taking a bus line B from the Falcone Borsellina square in Piazza Armerina village.

Villa delle Meraviglie

It is called “Enzo Cammarata collection” according to the owner of the villa. It is far just 12 km from Casale Villa and the other archeological areas. Come in this fascinating Sicilian villas with great saloon and fresco cameras where you can see a special collection of medieval majolica, Renaissance sculptures and paintings, ancient vases and jewels. Look at villa delle meraviglie and book your visit on web.

This article was written by Giulia Sofi

Today, she creates editorial content for cultural magazine and exhibition project.
Her articles have been published in some art magazine like CityRivista and Insideart.